My question to you is " Why is Piglet from Winnie the Pooh on this card?"
Be creative or if you actually know the answer please tell me...
"haha- Is this woman's name really Pedro? Maybe that holds a clue to why piglet is mysteriously hovering over her crotch holding a microphone..." - Anonymous
"Because shy guys like Piglet have to pay for it." - K
"Donkey punching a blue "jackass" gets old! Piglet is after some new "ass" and tired of nailing Eeyore's tail. Pedro delivers...Tigger does not." - Mouse
"Is it that the Piglet is suppose to be Pedro's description? the card says ask for Pedro." - Samantha
"Perhaps Piglet means that you can get other stuff with your order, like drugs...you know like in the movie Super Troopers." - Anonymous
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