
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Le Metro, Le Bus, Le Bar

These were all taken in a day while I was visiting Paris. I can't wait to go back and take more pictures and with a much better camera.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This is one of my older photographs.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


All of these seats were found on the streets of New York...

Monday, August 24, 2009

LYNCH (2007)

"... if you don't enjoy the doing , do something else." - David Lynch

These images were taken from a documentary called Lynch by filmmaker Soren Larsen. The documentary follows David Lynch for two years during the making of his film Inland Empire. I liked this documentary for it's content and for how it was shot...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

PS 1 - MOMA for living "artists"- ?

My visit to PS1 today reminded me of being in art class in High School. When students who hadn't finished an assignment would bring in a couple of items from a dollar store glued together and come up with an elaborate reason why it represents some sort of existential representation of the American soul...Basically, pulling the wool over the teachers eyes for a B+ and fake bragging rights to being an "artist".

I did like one piece I saw at PS1. You can see my drawing of it below. You aren't allowed to take photos in PS1, so I've drawn a few examples of what I saw today.

This work was a rather large installation of a "swimming pool". Observers on the top could look down and see the people in the room below the water. It was as though people were walking on the bottom of a pool or if you were below it was like being a fish.

The next two examples are from a NY based artist. This artist's work is suppose to "examine the cultures of politics, celebrity, cinema, war and consumerism."- as per MOMA

I've drawn out two of the more "exceptional" pieces from this show. You be the judge of whether it is art or not.

Yes, this is a plain chunk of tofu, just like you find in the grocery store, sitting in a dish of water. It didn't even have an interesting name like The Drowning Ronin or Tastes like Chicken...

Common, really? Seriously?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New York Skyline ONE

A cloudy day over Manhattan; view from Queens.
Seems like the city is in a constant state of construction.

Legal Graffiti in New York City

This is 5 Pointz in Long Island City, NY. It is a warehouse that has been legally painted by graffiti artists. It is right across the street from MOMA's P.S. 1.
There was an Asian couple taking pictures...
I really like this piece but can't read it...

Just AWESOME! Looks much better in "person".

I like the creepy quality of this piece.
I wish they would legalize graffiti on some subway trains, future city project perhaps?

Another AMAZING piece, looks like paint on canvas, meanwhile it's spray paint on a wall...

Trash, Queens NY

"They come in a box now!?" - K. Bearden, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009



I wonder if the person behind this window wanted to show off their stuffed animal collection or maybe they ran out of closet space.
At first I thought this said Peace but now I realize it says Pace.

I thought that was illegal?